Saturday, November 23, 2019

PBLA Survey

This one has an open text (comment) box in each section after the qualitative questions. Yay! Make your voices heard, LINC teachers.

Thank you to Martyne Farris for tackling this.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Those Missing Resources from Queen's Library English for Your Health Adult Literacy Program

A reader commented the other day to lament the fact that Queen's Library has completely revamped their website and the adult literacy resources can no longer be found.

There is some part of me that recognizes those "too good to last" things in life--like the full ride scholarships we used to get to attend the annual conference, and my gut told me that one day all those free resources would disappear. I downloaded them, printed them out, hole-punched them, and organized them in a huge three-ring binder.

It took me a while to locate the right thumb drive in the tangle of the I keep in my desk drawer at home, but find it I did. I don't think ALL the lessons are here, but many are, including audio files. Mind you, I did TRY to contact Queen's, but their contact form only works if you have an email address identifying you as part of their faculty or student body. Sigh.

So if you know how to get access to the full body of that collection, please let me know. If you work for Queen's and want to sue me for copyright infringement, um... let me know. Otherwise, here is a zip file with everything I managed to preserve before the site disappeared.