Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Yes, You May Turn My Materials into Liveworksheets

A teacher reached out to ask if I'd considered turning my activity packs into Liveworksheets. I told her that I have left the field, but that she is welcome to do that. 

All my activity packs were released under a Creative Commons BY NC-SA 4.0 International license. You may create derivative works as long as you share those works freely with others and do not charge for them. I'm not worried about credit, but please always respect Bow Valley College's copyright over the readers upon which most of my activity packs are based. Those are not in the public domain but remain the property of Bow Valley College, though BVC does allow them to be freely downloaded for classroom use.

If anyone would like access to the Google Slide file in which I did the original layout and design of an activity pack so that you can edit, grab a single image file, etc., just give me a shout and I will make that file available as a template that you can carry over to your own Google drive.

Some activities could also be moved into other online interactive platforms for learning, such as Hot Potatoes, etc. I'm fine with that.

The page below is from a vocabulary building activity in the Food from Home activity pack, based upon a literacy reader by that name that is available for free download or online reading with audio from Bow Valley College School of Global Access.

Update: Joanne Hogeveen has turned the Lien Buys Food matching activity into a Liveworksheet HERE: