Sunday, September 11, 2016

Technical Difficulties

The new school year is off to an amazing start, and I had truly been looking forward to posting about it here today.  However, my beloved laptop is in the shop for trackpad replacement (spilled coffee, ahem), and I am left with a borrowed iPad or the option of a 20-minute drive back downtown to compose this on a work PC.

Since I spent over three extra hours there on Friday (PBLA) and another three doing prep yesterday, I choose to postpone this blog post until I get my laptop back on Tuesday. I really prefer working from the comfort of my home when possible since the places where I can access a computer at work cut me off from both sunshine and fresh air.

In the meantime, I leave you with a few questions.

How do you feel about September?  Do you like fall weather? Is it exciting to be back in the classroom (assuming you are)?

What goals have you set for yourself for the new term?

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