Saturday, June 1, 2019

On the Horizon

Back in early spring I was feeling the burgeoning potential of the greening world around me. I was in a new relationship and feeling excited. I had an idea for a new project, too--something bigger than I've taken on before.

The relationship has ended, I'm sorry to say, but one of the benefits of dating a compulsive analyzer and sensitive communicator is that now I'm participating in a very helpful post-mortem.

The project, I'm happy to say, has not shrivelled on the vine. Rather, it just this morning entered a phase more concrete than conceptualization. My project partner met with me under the maple boughs on my lower deck landing overlooking a small tributary to the Detroit River. The person who graced my humble abode with her presence is a bit of a legend in these parts, and I'm still feeling high from her visit.

Also of interest to us all is a new book coming from Steve Smith and Gianfranco Conti on teaching listening. This blog post is a small teaser.

What is on your horizon this week?


  1. I was feeling the hope of spring and a survey of all ESL instructors. Yet, alas, my SPO won't let us do the survey.

    Lots of pride here.

    1. What is going on?6/08/2019 10:19 AM

      How can your SPO not allow you to do the survey from IRCC? This is a request from the funder! I've seen this survey in an email; this is what it says (please note IRCC's message to SPOs and the request that the survey link is forwarded to "ALL LINC/CLIC instructors". (emphasis added to ALL)

      Dear XXXXX,

      As mentioned in our last correspondence, please see below the message and link for instructors to complete the survey in support of IRCC’s evaluation of federally-funded language learning services.

      Again, we kindly request that you forward this survey link to all LINC/CLIC instructors, employment-specific instructors, and managers of informal language learning services (e.g., conversation circles).

      Thank you for your invaluable support.

      The following message is intended for LINC/CLIC instructors, employment-specific instructors, and managers of informal language learning services.

      Dear colleagues,

      Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s (IRCC) Evaluation Division is launching a survey of language instructors. We are examining the effectiveness of teaching and learning methods under various IRCC-funded language learning services, including formal language training, informal language learning and employment-specific language training, as well as literacy and LINC/CLIC.

      The survey will ask question about your experiences with IRCC-funded language services (including services that IRCC co-funds with other jurisdictions). This survey will support a larger evaluation and help us better understand the effectiveness of language training methods and language skill improvement – what works for whom and under what conditions.

      Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. Additionally, survey participation is entirely anonymous (i.e., nobody including IRCC will be able to identify your personal responses).

      To participate in the survey, please use the following link:

      The survey will remain open until June 14th.

      If you would like more information about the survey or the evaluation, you can contact this e-mail.

      IRCC’s Evaluation Team

  2. Let's do a fun one here just for the heck of it. 1 is least (or a little) - 5 is most (or a lot)
    1) In terms of language learning , how effective do you think PBLA has been for your students?
    2) How much of your free time and life have you lost as a direct or indirect result of PBLA?
    3) How much waste (kg ) of paper and binders do you think has been accumulated at your place of work as a direct result of PBLA? a) none b) a little c) a moderate amount or d) a LOT
    4) How many of your students do you think have read all of the government info in the binders: a) all of them b) most of them c) a few d) none
    5) How much has morale at your school dropped as a result of PBLA (conflict, bad feelings etc)
    6) How consistent would you say the tasks created by various teachers in various levels at your school are?
    7) How has PBLA affected your attendance? a) students come more often on task day b) they come just as regularly as ever c) many have dropped out because of the pointless nature of endless tasks and little learning (You can choose two answers here)
    8) How many binders have been left behind in your classroom by students who have moved on a) 1-10 b) 11-20 c) 21-30 d) over 30
    9) Regarding your job as an ESL instructor how hopeful, content and pleased are you with your job and the future of ESL?
    10) How much does your management care about how you are doing lately in terms of mental well being?
    11) How many days since Christmas have there been when you didn't feel like going to work as a result of PBLA? a) none b) 1-5 c) 6-10 d) 11-20 e) I never feel like going to work anymore.
    12) Do you feel like quitting , changing careers or taking an early retirement as a direct result of PBLA being forced on you?
    13) If you could snap your fingers and make PBLA go away instantly for next year, would you? yes or no
    Please seal your answers in an envelope and submit it anonymously. Your responses will not be held against you, but they will be considered in the decision as to whether or not PBLA will be dismantled. We are doing this survey because we care about our teachers and our learners. After all, studies have proven that a happy work environment wherein the workers are respected and treated with dignity is a successful workplace! Have a great weekend!

  3. A reply from the "GOLD STANDARD SPO"

    1 is least (or a little) - 5 is most (or a lot)

    1) In terms of language learning , how effective do you think PBLA has been for your students?

    2) How much of your free time and life have you lost as a direct or indirect result of PBLA?


    3) How much waste (kg ) of paper and binders do you think has been accumulated at your place of work as a direct result of PBLA? a) none b) a little c) a moderate amount or d) a LOT

    d) a LOT

    4) How many of your students do you think have read all of the government info in the binders: a) all of them b) most of them c) a few d) none

    d) none

    5) How much has morale at your school dropped as a result of PBLA (conflict, bad feelings etc)


    6) How consistent would you say the tasks created by various teachers in various levels at your school are?


    PS Even the "Support Leads" that are tasked with creating resources can't create consistent tasks.

    7) How has PBLA affected your attendance? a) students come more often on task day b) they come just as regularly as ever c) many have dropped out because of the pointless nature of endless tasks and little learning (You can choose two answers here)

    "Teacher I am dropping ESL because it is hopeless for me"

    8) How many binders have been left behind in your classroom by students who have moved on a) 1-10 b) 11-20 c) 21-30 d) over 30

    Over 30

    9) Regarding your job as an ESL instructor how hopeful, content and pleased are you with your job and the future of ESL?


    10) How much does your management care about how you are doing lately in terms of mental well being?


    11) How many days since Christmas have there been when you didn't feel like going to work as a result of PBLA? a) none b) 1-5 c) 6-10 d) 11-20 e) I never feel like going to work anymore.

    e) I never feel like going to work. I am totally demoralized. I don't feel like doing anything. I want to crawl into a hole most days. I have been humiliated and bullied. PBLA has destroyed my sense of self worth.

    12) Do you feel like quitting , changing careers or taking an early retirement as a direct result of PBLA being forced on you?

    13) If you could snap your fingers and make PBLA go away instantly for next year, would you? yes or no


    Please seal your answers in an envelope and submit it anonymously. Your responses will not be held against you, but they will be considered in the decision as to whether or not PBLA will be dismantled. We are doing this survey because we care about our teachers and our learners. After all, studies have proven that a happy work environment wherein the workers are respected and treated with dignity is a successful workplace! Have a great weekend!

  4. Facetious or not?6/08/2019 8:27 PM

    I'm not sure if Anonymous person who posted the survey was being facetious or if they were serious, but I am sure that the Anonymous person who replied was being serious. And that makes me sad.Maybe someone should set up a Google form, asking these questions and then send the results to IRCC. The results would be at least as valid as the data they are collecting.
    Kelly, I remember that you once said here that you had heard that IRCC has taken note of your blog. Are they still reading it? Do they know that their survey results are sure to be skewed?
    Could it be that they asked for our places of work because they want to track those SPOs who are NOT distributing the survey as asked? Is there hope?

    1. Hi, 8:27 PM Anonymous,
      I don't recall ever saying that I'd heard IRCC had taken note of this blog. I do remember getting one or two comments here to that effect, but I'm not sure that I believe it. --KM

  5. Sadly I was being facetious. It was just a dream.... about a nightmare.


Thank you for participating in this forum. Anonymous commenting is available, but is not intended to shield those taking pot shots at those of us challenging PBLA. If you are here to do that, please use your name.