Tuesday, February 28, 2023

My website has a new URL

 Hello, ESL Literacy teachers,

I was notified by the new Square-Weebly company that I would have to start paying at least $10 per month to retain my website on the custom domain, so I switched it over to their free option, which means using their domain.

The literacy resources are still available. They are now found at thejoyofesl.weebly.com.

If you have time, I would love for you to leave a comment. Just one sentence about where you teach would be a delight for me to read.



  1. Hi! I teach in London, ON and I love your site. I have been using it for years and I still return to it quite often for ideas and materials. Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you for letting me know, Candice!

  3. Hi Kelly. I teach in Saskatoon, and like Candice, I return to your materials with every theme. Thank you so much. You’re an inspiration.

    1. Thank you for telling me, Anonymous in Sask. :)

  4. Hi Kelly,
    I teach in Guelph. I haven't used your material a lot - I always forget to check if you have something for the theme we are working on. But I do agre


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