I have a TO DO list as long as my arm. I'm happy to have already scratched many tasks off that list, but there are so many still to tackle. Also, of course, I've included fun and relaxing activities such as chilling with a DVD from the library, nature walks, and some time for my arts and crafts projects--something I always find restorative and therapeutic. I may or may not get around to the sewing project; we'll see.

I have some intriguing items on my TO READ list, too. I plan to read at least one more chapter in Scott Thornbury's Uncovering Grammar. I want to read about the Picture Word Inductive Model that was mentioned in a blog post I stumbled upon this week. And I want to go back into Shona White's article on teaching vocabulary to take down better notes this time.
I'm working on the website, too. I've recently enhanced the About Me section, adding a slideshow under "Personal Life." I also uploaded a couple of my own creations to the free resources area under blank templates and under grammar - tenses.
I've started to build a new sub-section on the COMPUTER page for apps I have vetted and feel I can recommend based on my own classroom experience with them.
Finally, I am trying to create a video of my first ELT resource review. The fact that I'm having trouble learning how to edit in iMovie is slowing me down. I'm usually a pretty skilled autodidact, so not being able to master everything today is making me petulant. Meh.
To make up to you this lack of a proper blog post, I assure you that I will upload and share my review of an ESL resource just as soon as iMovie stops kicking my butt.
Stay tuned!
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